Oral Care Products What You Need to Know About Dental Health

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Dental health is the key to overall health, and yet most Americans do not take dental care seriously. Over 75% of the population suffers from gum disease, while over a quarter of all adults (ages 20-64) have untreated cavities. The proper oral care products are crucial to maintaining dental health and preventing cavities and gum disease.

If you aren’t sure where to begin with your oral health, take a look at the below necessary oral care products that should be in your medicine cabinet:

Toothpaste and Toothbrush
These are the most basic tooth care essentials and are responsible for cleaning approximately 70% of the plaque and residue off of your teeth. Ensure you have a toothpaste suited to your needs (taste preference, special concerns such as sensitivity, and foaming varieties). Toothbrushes that also clean your tongue or with dual heads that spin are the most effective at keeping your mouth clean.

Flossing is often skipped by many Americans, but is responsible for cleaning the other 30% of your teeth. Flossing helps remove food particles stuck between teeth, to ensure they are not pushed into your gums (causing decay which can lead to gum disease). Flossing will also keep your breath fresh for longer. If you find normal floss difficult to use, try investing in one use floss picks.

Mouthwash is a great follow up to flossing and brushing your teeth and. This can kill any remaining plaque, while freshening your breath. It also ensures any food particles moved around when flossing exit your mouth.

Fluoride Rinses
Fluoride may be recommended by your dentist and is important to include if your toothpaste or mouthwash does not contain fluoride. Many alternative and natural toothpastes do not have fluoride in them, so a fluoride rinse can insure the health of your teeth in its place.

Oral care products are important in keeping your mouth and the rest of your body healthy. See a dentist for exact recommendations, but the above items should always be handy in your bathroom.

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