Why Dental Care Isn’t Something You Can’t Put Off

There was always something deliciously rebellious about not brushing your teeth when you were a kid. It’s funny how not caring for ourselves is such large part of growing up. We try a ton of stuff that is terrible for us. We try drinking that gallon of milk in under a minute, we try eating […]

Oral Care Products What You Need to Know About Dental Health

Dental health is the key to overall health, and yet most Americans do not take dental care seriously. Over 75% of the population suffers from gum disease, while over a quarter of all adults (ages 20-64) have untreated cavities. The proper oral care products are crucial to maintaining dental health and preventing cavities and gum […]

Three Important Statistics About American Dental Care

Consider these three statistics about the state of dental health in the U.S. today: One out of every Five children has some amount of dental decay that hasn’t been treated, according to government data. It’s very clear that many low-income families can’t afford dental care or don’t have insurance plans, meaning that kids often go […]

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