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Oral Health Tips

How To Cultivate A Beautiful, Happy Smile

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How do you feel about your smile? Do you find yourself showing off your pearly whites at every opportunity or are the kind of person to cover up your teeth every time someone takes your picture? A lovely grin is considered the be-all, end-all of beauty, causing countless people to go out of their way to seek out teeth whitening services and cosmetic enhancements to bring out their very best. Not everyone is familiar with cosmetic dentistry, however, and some may find themselves wondering if their family dentist can go the extra mile. Take a glance at the list below to learn about tooth health, what your dentist can offer and why cosmetic dentistry isn’t nearly as scary as it sounds!

Did You Know?

Teeth health is something everyone can relate to. Ongoing surveys are regularly conducted by dentists across the country to assess how people feel about their teeth and, likewise, what they can do to help. One such study showed a startling 30% of people saying they’re ‘concerned about the look of their teeth’, while another one in four American adults actively avoid smiling due to the poor condition of their mouth, teeth and gums!

What Causes Lackluster Mouth Health?

There are a number of different factors that can contribute to poor mouth health and more frequent trips to your local dental services. One such factor is smoking, that of which is known for causing gray gums, gum retraction and brown stains. Caffeine, most commonly found in coffee, tea and energy drinks, is notorious for leaving yellow stains from repeated use. Last, but not least, poverty plays a notable role in receiving proper care. One in five poor Americans has at least one, if not several, untreated cavities.

What Are Common Mouth Diseases?

Ever had a cavity before? How about gum disease? There are a lot of ways your mouth can lose its signature sheen and start decaying, that of which a dentist needs to treat as soon as possible to prevent long-term damage. For starters, nearly half of all adults over the age of 30 have some form of periodontal disease. This is a serious gum infection that is normally caused by a lack of brushing and flossing, even leading to tooth loss if not checked. Gingivitis and root canals are other common projects brought to the average dentist’s desk.

What Are Teeth Whitening Services?

Thinking of visiting a cosmetic dentist? You may just love the end result. While regular oral hygiene and yearly trips to the dentist can noticeably improve your overall mouth health, a cosmetic dentist can continue to buff out any issues that just can’t be tackled with a brush alone. Studies have shown 80% of people saw a noticeable difference after having their teeth whitened with the aid of a cosmetic dentist, particularly those tired of covering their brown and yellow stains in photos! From tooth whitening to dental implants, there’s an option for everybody.

What’s In A Smile?

There’s nothing quite so lovely in a person as a beautiful smile. It’s a great conversation starter, makes people feel at home and can impact your life in a number of ways. Studies have revealed a majority 75% of adults feel an unattractive smile can actually hurt their career success, while a similar amount agreed that a pretty smile is attractive to prospective dating partners. When more than 40% of children have cavities by the time they enter kindergarten, it’s essential to start good habits early. Remember to floss at least once per day and visit your dentist once per year. A beautiful smile comes from the inside out!

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