Over 185,000 Amputations Are Conducted Every Year How Custom Orthotics Are Changing

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Losing a limb is a traumatic experience. People find themselves not just struggling with coming to terms with their injury, but the long and often difficult rehabilitation process that comes with getting their life back in order afterwards. With modern technology only getting better by the day, however, the recovery process is looking bright. Custom orthotics understand there is no one-size-fits-all approach when it comes to recovery. One person’s back brace is another person’s walking boots, all designed to fit an individual’s unique needs and support them through every step of their recovery and beyond.

Prosthetic Services In America

There are many resources available to assist you in your time of need. Well over 3,000 patient care facilities provide both orthotic and prosthetic services around the country, with some specializing in some areas such as the leg, the arm or the foot. Back injuries, whether caused by car accidents or workplace injuries, have become more common over the years. A spinal orthosis, in particular, is a back brace designed specifically to hold the spine in place and prevent crooked or curved posture.

Causes Of Limb Loss

Did you know nearly two million people in the United States are currently living with limb loss? Custom orthotics and custom prosthetics are only going to get more advanced from here as demand for reliable and flexible technological assistance increases. The most common causes contributing to amputation are vascular disease at 54% and trauma at 45%. There are, however, different types of amputation that require specific orthotics.

Different Types Of Amputation

Over one million limb amputations are conducted every year. This is as many as one every 30 seconds. Congenital amputation is different than amputation done in response to trauma. It is the absence of either all or part of a limb at birth, the least common form with only one in 2,000 babies needing the procedure. According to studies provided by the Center For Orthotic And Prosthetic Care, over 85% of amputations will involve a lower limb. Another 15%, less commonly, will involve an upper limb.

Types Of Artificial Limbs

The type of artificial limb you will require depends on a professional diagnosis. There are four primary types of artificial limbs for you to choose from. There is the transtibial (used strictly below the knee), the transfemoral (used for the lower limbs), the transradial (an advanced method that uses electronic signals to promote movement) and the transhumeral prostheses (used for anything above the elbow).

Applying For Custom Orthotics

You have a plethora of options to choose from to bolster your quality of life with increased mobility. The world sees more than one million limb amputations on a yearly basis. The United States, in particular, will see 185,000 people on average having a medically necessary amputation. A prosthetist can look over your amputation with a professional eye and determine the type of spinal orthosis or custom prosthetics you will need to begin enhancing mobility and encouraging the healthiest lifestyle. Get started today by seeking out orthotic services near you.

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