Take Advantage of Online Dentist Ratings and Reviews!

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Since tooth decay is the single most common chronic disease amongst American children, finding a good dentist is an important task for any parent.

Kids aren’t the only ones who absolutely need the help of dentists-over 20 million work days in the U.S. were missed because of dental illness. Not to mention the fact that the CDC reports a full three-quarters (75%) of Americans are unaware that they have some form of gum disease. The problem is that an estimated 50% of Americans in the United States are unable to afford full dental insurance coverage. Sure, they can brush your teeth twice a day to avoid dental decay, as recommended by the CDC, but professional care is still vital to the mouth’s health, as most dentists know.

This is where dentist reviews ratings come in. With dentist reviews ratings, people will be able to find the best quality care for the most affordable price. According to the AACD, virtually all (99.7%) of Americans believe that a smile is an important social asset, which shows that despite a lack of funds, they’re still willing to pay to improve their teeth. The thing is that Americans just want to be smart about it. They want to shop around, compare prices and do their research with dentist reviews ratings.

Dentist reviews ratings offer an exciting opportunity for practitioners. According to Brandify, a marketing firm, positive dentist office reviews can help with social recommendations, opinion monitoring, and provide a new kind of customer service. Most Americans take online reviews seriously, and if there’s a positive recommendation for a business, they’re more likely to go there now more than ever. Plus, with dentist reviews ratings, you’ll be able to see what aspects of your practice’s customer service is working, and what’s not. This will allow you to change things up and improve your business!

Although many Americans are without proper dental coverage, they’re still aware of their need for professional dental care. This means that they’ll shop smarter, and do more research. With positive dentist reviews ratings, you’ll be able to expand your patient and client base in no time. If you have any questions, feel free to ask in the comments.

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