Mini Dental Implants A Less Expensive Plan B

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Dental patients with missing teeth may be eligible to receive a relatively new tooth replacement option called mini dental implants or a mini tooth implant. By pairing them with dentures, mini tooth implants can help patients avoid embarrassing situations that can occur when dentures loosen and fall out of the mouth. Patients who are searching for a convenient and affordable alternative to traditional implants or dentures are encouraged to find out if they are good candidates for mini implants.
In the past, periodontal patients suffered from one or multiple missing teeth didn’t have many options for tooth replacement. Dentures and bridges were the two most common treatments for missing teeth, and both have drawbacks. Dentures can cause intense embarrassment because the glue that binds them to the gums can loosen. When this happens, dentures can easily fall out of the mouth while the patient is speaking or chewing.
Bridges can help to eliminate that embarrassment, but they also have been known to compromise the integrity of other healthy teeth in the mouth. Mini dental implants provide a great solution for periodontal patients who do not want to deal with the potential drawbacks of traditional dentures or bridges. Mini implants are revolutionizing the way that missing teeth are treated, and they make it possible for patients to receive the strength and performance of a traditional implant without such a high cost.
Mini dental implants can be used to replace a single tooth or several lost teeth. They’re also frequently used in conjunction with dentures, because they help better secure the dentures so as not to fall out of the mouth as easily. Also, patients needn’t submit to a lengthy in-office procedure because a single mini implant takes about the same time as a traditional crown appointment.
Not all patients are good candidates for implants, however, so call and schedule a consultation at a dental implant clinic or see if you can get your questions answered over the phone. Naturally, calling a dentist already familiar with your dental history might be the best place to start.
To learn more, read this.

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