Why Dental Implants Are Replacing Dentures

Losing your teeth can be devastating, but luckily, cosmetic dentists now have plenty of tooth replacement solutions. One of the most popular tooth replacement solutions is dental implants. Dental implants have become so popular they are slowly replacing dentures. That’s because they look so natural, and they last longer. This is great news for most people looking to restore their smile with a more viable dental solution. However, before you book your appointment with a dental professional, it’s good to take some time to learn about why dental implants are so much better than dentures.

In addition, you may also want to know about the best place to get teeth implants. Usually, you can get implants at your local dentist’s offices, but you should first do your research, so you have a comprehensive list of the best places for dental implants. Doing your research beforehand also helps you understand the best way to get dental implants.

Before we get started on explaining why dental implants are a superior option, keep in mind that your existing dentures can’t be turned into implants. This is for those wondering, “Can existing dentures be implanted?” Now read on to find the beauty of implants over dentures.

Getting a cosmetic dental implant is a painless alternative treatment method for anyone seeking to improve their smile after losing a tooth. A dental implant procedure is one of the most predictable and safe procedures in dentistry. The dentists use surgical guided technology to place the post within your jawbone. You may have to wait between 3 to 4 months to heal after the procedure. Before undergoing a dental implant procedure, one needs to do cosmetic dentistry and learn about dental implants. The expert will also determine if you are fit to undergo a dental implant procedure and customize a treatment plan to suit your personal needs.

Like any other treatment option, there are advantages and disadvantages to dental implants. Among the advantages of dental implants include durability and convenience that may not be achieved with dentures. All teeth implants are easy to maintain and care for since they require similar care as natural teeth. Unlike other dentistry restorative methods that need to be regularly replaced, dental implants offer a permanent solution to your missing teeth, making the entire process cost-effective.

One of the most popular procedures is dental implants. This is highly common for people who want to replace missing or damaged teeth, but do not want to use dentures. Dentures often come with adhesives that can wear off, and the constant motion of these prosthetics can cause soreness and redness on a patient’s gums. Most dentist offices have used dentures for decades, but dental implants are gaining attention because of their effectiveness.
Teeth could be one of the most important parts of our body. Without them, it is nearly impossible to eat or talk, and simply embarrassing to smile. So, it comes as no surprise that the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry reports that $2.75 is spent in cosmetic dentistry procedures in the U.S. every year. People with discolored, missing, or cracked teeth need a way to restore healthy looking teeth to their smile, and cosmetic dentistry is the best way to do this.

Dental implants involve cosmetic surgery. An artificial root, made of a titanium rod, is drilled in place of a missing tooth root and secured in the jawbone. It takes a couple of weeks for the implant to heal, and afterward, a local dentist will connect a new crown to the implant using an abutment. In a few months, the jawbone heals around the implant, firmly holding it in the jaw socket. This way, patients do not have to worry about their implant shifting or rubbing against their gums. Dental implants are considered 98% effective, and can even last a patient an entire lifetime with proper care.

One of the downsides of this procedure is the price of dental implants. The entire process can cost up to $4,000 per tooth, depending on the patient’s teeth. Consequently, a full set of implants could cost more than $100,000, and because implants are a cosmetic procedure and not a dental necessity, most insurance plans do not cover the surgery.

For this reason, it is critical for patients who require implants to find a dentist that is willing to work out a payment plan. They can also look online for cosmetic dentistry grants, or contact private insurance agencies that pair up with particular dentist offices to help patients subsidize the cost of implants.

But there is no doubt that when patients look at pictures of dental implants, they understand why the number of people heading to dentist offices to receive implants is growing rapidly. Implants could be the best way to restore natural, healthy teeth, and give patients every reason to smile confidently again. To learn more, read this.

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