The Reasons Why You Should Consider A Cosmetic Dental Procedure

Kirkland family dentistry

Having something as simple as dental exams done is intimidating enough for many people. Finding a cosmetic dentist who can do their job well … and deciding on what kind of procedure you’d like done … makes your task all the more daunting! But if you ask your dentist the right questions, you’ll find that it’s much easier than it looks.

Why Should I Have Cosmetic Dentistry Done?

Having your smile improved can help you in a variety of ways! 99.7% of Americans believe a smile is a major social aspect, according to the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry. Furthermore, 75% of people believe that a displeasing smile can hinder their chances for professional success. If nothing else, a cosmetically pleasing smile can give you much more confidence, and is an asset when your job includes socialization.

What Are Porcelain Veneers? Can I Get Them?

Porcelain veneers are an elective procedure available to almost anyone! Porcelain veneers are shells placed over your teeth to fix problems ranging from discoloration to misshapen teeth. They can last 5 to 10 years, and are a beautiful solution to a variety of issues. Another pro of porcelain veneers is that if you are dissatisfied with them, they’re not permanent; and if you love them, they can be replaced after their “lifespan” is finished.

What Are Lumineers?

Lumineers are another form of porcelain veneers. At .2 millimeters, they’re extremely thin and translucent, sculpting themselves to your tooth enamel. While they improve your smile like porcelain veneers do, their appearance is more natural and less noticeable.

What Are Dental Implants? Are Dental Implants Safe?

Dental implants are put in place to replace missing teeth; often, certain problems that can be fixed by implants are found in dental exams. They’re completely safe, and are perhaps a more permanent fix to some of the same problems addressed by other cosmetic dental procedures. However, dental implants are done on a “tooth … by … tooth” basis … that is, only a couple at a time. They can’t have the same “full smile” effect as porcelain veneers, but are excellent solutions to issues with individual teeth, and have a success rate of 98%!

Does Teeth Whitening Really Work?

With teeth whitening procedures having increased by 300% over the last five years, thousands of patients can assure you that it does really work. Teeth whitening is an effective procedure for any kind of discoloration, no matter what its cause. It’s also a relatively simple and affordable procedure. You can ask about it during your dental exams!

Getting a cosmetic dental procedure doesn’t mean that you’re indulging yourself. A cosmetic dental procedure can help you personally and professionally. It’s an investment in you.

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