Make Your Smile Shine With Dental Implants and Cosmetic Dental Surgery

Dental implants should be properly managed at all times. Failure to do this, implants for teeth can cause infections leading to bad breath, bleeding gums, and bad taste in the mouth. Doing a bone graft and implant at the same time saves you between 3 and 6 months of healing. After this healing period, the […]

Get the Smile You’ve Always Wanted With Teeth Whitening Treatment

So many things can go wrong with our teeth by the time we reach adulthood. This can be a problem when it manifests itself in superficial issues with your teeth. Almost all Americans believe that smiles are an important part of looking good. Further complicating this issue is that many people have odontophobia, or an […]

Consultants in Today’s Dental Field

Your local dentist has more to worry about than the health of his patient’s teeth. They have to make sure they are growing their business by finding new clients and keeping their current ones happy. So how can they take care of their customers and grow their business? By working with dental practice management consultants. […]

Marketing Options for Dental Practices

Your local dentist office is no different than any other business. They have a responsibility to take care of not only their current customers but try to land new customers. How can the dental office grow like any other business? Use dental web marketing to make your current and future customers happy. The best dental […]

Improve Your Smile By Getting Dental Implant Surgery

When you have an area where a tooth was lost, you might start to think about dental implants. Dental implants are a permanent way to replace a tooth and to have a smile that you will be proud to show off. It’s always helpful to know about dental implants before you get one done. There […]

Affordable Dental Care Beyond the Numbers

A century ago, almost half of all the adults in North America had no teeth whatsoever. Advances in dental cosmetics have now made it so that less than one tenth of adults over 65 have lost teeth. Similarly, advances in the way we think about dental health have blurred the lines between aesthetic dentistry and […]

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