Finding a Santa Cruz Cosmetic Dentist

Cosmetic dentistry santa cruz

Just one hundred years ago, half of U.S. residents would have been toothless, but nowadays only about 10 percent of those over 65 have lost teeth. Dental care and cosmetic dentistry have contributed to major advances in our teeth.

Fortunately you experts in cosmetic dentistry Santa Cruz can help you avoid a less than perfect smile. Your Santa Cruz dentist and cosmetic dentistry Santa Cruz will tell you that tooth enamel may be the hardest body surface, but you may still need dental implants santa cruz if you do not take care of your smile.

Even the best santa cruz dental office knows that advances in technology alone cannot prevent all issues. Approximately half of those seeking cosmetic dentistry Santa Cruz and elsewhere fall between 41 and 60 years old. This includes those seeking a mini dental implant Santa Cruz and Santa Cruz teeth whitening. For the record, a dental implant goes into the jawbone taking about six to twelve weeks to fully heal and anchor in the bone. Your cosmetic dentistry Santa Cruz can assist you with something similar or simpler procedures.

Floss was first made in about 1882 from silk, since then materials and procedures have evolved to allow patients young and old to enjoy a flawless smile and mitigate critical dental health issues.

19 thoughts on “Finding a Santa Cruz Cosmetic Dentist

  1. Keep brushing and flossing and you probably will not need dentures. But even if you do, most people cannot tell these days. Its not like they are made of wood!

  2. Keep brushing and flossing and you probably will not need dentures. But even if you do, most people cannot tell these days. Its not like they are made of wood!

  3. Keep brushing and flossing and you probably will not need dentures. But even if you do, most people cannot tell these days. Its not like they are made of wood!

  4. Keep brushing and flossing and you probably will not need dentures. But even if you do, most people cannot tell these days. Its not like they are made of wood!

  5. Keep brushing and flossing and you probably will not need dentures. But even if you do, most people cannot tell these days. Its not like they are made of wood!

  6. Keep brushing and flossing and you probably will not need dentures. But even if you do, most people cannot tell these days. Its not like they are made of wood!

  7. Keep brushing and flossing and you probably will not need dentures. But even if you do, most people cannot tell these days. Its not like they are made of wood!

  8. Keep brushing and flossing and you probably will not need dentures. But even if you do, most people cannot tell these days. Its not like they are made of wood!

  9. Keep brushing and flossing and you probably will not need dentures. But even if you do, most people cannot tell these days. Its not like they are made of wood!

  10. Keep brushing and flossing and you probably will not need dentures. But even if you do, most people cannot tell these days. Its not like they are made of wood!

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