About 100 years ago, more than half of adults in North America had no teeth. Since then, less than 10% of adults are missing teeth, which is likely due to education and advances in dental care. However, people still lose their teeth for any number of reasons — for people under the age of 35 it’s usually due to athletic trauma or accidents, and more than half of people who opt for cosmetic dental work are between the ages of 40 and 61. One of the most popular cosmetic dental procedures for people who have missing teeth is All on 4 dental implants. Here are some answers to questions you might have about them.
What Are All on 4 dental implants?
All on 4 dental implants are a tooth replacement option that replaces the full set of teeth rather than just individual teeth. Dental implants are a permanent solution to tooth loss which is in most cases a more attractive option for people with missing teeth since they do not need to be removed for cleaning or applied with adhesive with the danger of an imperfect fit or them ever falling out.
How do they work?
Dental implants work in two parts. The first part is an anchor which is usually made of titanium that is inserted into the jaw. The metal that is used is accepted by the human body so well that the jaw bone will eventually grow to it, securing the implants in place. The second part is the crown, which attaches to the All on 4 dental implants only use four strategically place anchors for the full set of teeth.
Are they right for me?
If you’re looking into cosmetic dental work, then you probably already know that there are a number of options for replacing teeth. Figuring out which one will be right for you should be something that you discuss with your dentist, since every case is different and not everyone is a good candidate for All on 4. If you don’t already have one, find a dentist that specializes in cosmetic dental surgery.
Are you missing teeth and thinking about All on 4? Let us know in the comments. Ger more information on this topic here.