Of all the dental care treatment that orthodontists are asked about, dental implants are among the most sought after. Implants offer a solution for single or multiple teeth replacements and can help keep smiles bright and healthy longing. They are easy to care for and maintain and last a long time with proper care and upkeep, which makes them even more popular.
If you are like most people, you have questions about dental implants and related treatments, a skilled and experienced dental care team can put your mind at eases and answer all questions you may have. Common questions such as -can existing dentures be implanted- and -can you get a single tooth denture- among many others are easily answered by these dental pros.
Your orthodontist and dental care team will let you know how can you get a tooth replaced and how you can protect the integrity of your existing teeth. They will help you understand and options and how can you get dental implants that are affordable and long-lasting. So, contact your local dental experts today to get started!
Have you lost one or more of your teeth? Perhaps you are like more than 50% of cosmetic dentistry patients who are 41 to 60 years old and seek more permanent dental solutions. If so, you may want to find a cosmetic dentist who can provide the best dental implants possible. In fact, you may want to seek a dentist who offers the precision of computer guided dental implants specifically.
After all, dental implants work as often as 98% of the time. If they are maintained properly, they will work for one’s entire life. But what are dental implants exactly? In order to serve effectively in place of original teeth, titanium roots are inserted in to the jaw. Then, abutments that hold ceramic crowns are fitted on the top. These crowns are visible.
There are also mini dental implants for patients, great for those who are entirely without teeth and whose dentures are not as firmly set as they could be. In general, dental implants are superior to dentures because they require less overall maintenance and are more durable over time.
The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders recognizes odontophobia, which is the state of being afraid of the dentist. But with the help of the right cosmetic dentist–perhaps one who provides computer guided dental implants–you may be able to lessen your worries if you find yourself hesitant about visiting the dentist.
If you have additional questions, comments, or suggestions regarding cosmetic dentistry in general, you may share your ideas in the forum below. Find more on this here.