When you have lost a tooth either to decay or to extraction, there are a number of different remedies for replacing the tooth. Getting dental implants is one solution that is popular for the way it looks and the ease of taking care of implanted teeth. There are many advantages and disadvantages of dental implants. All dental implants are expensive, even if you have dental insurance. However, they provide a sturdy tooth that will last forever and never need to be removed for any reason.
There are so many advantages of dental implants that many people opt for this solution rather than getting partial dentures or a bridge. The first step is to make sure that you have enough bone for an implant. You may need a bone graft in order to have enough. Then, your gums have to be fully healed from having your tooth removed. Then, you can have the implant surgery. After tooth implant surgery, you have to allow the implanted screw to completely heal. After that, there is another part of the implant that has to be added to the screw. Then, you can get your permanent, custom crown installed on top of the implant apparatus.

Did you know that humans begin developing teeth merely six weeks after conception? However, many individuals lose teeth over time, so when this happens, it is important to replace them. Fortunately, dental implants were designed specifically for this purpose. Dental implants are a common form of general family dentistry, and obtaining them is one of the best ways to replace missing teeth.
– What are dental implants? Cosmetic dental implants consist of three parts. The first part, a titanium rod, is inserted directly into the jawbone. After the jawbone heals for 8-16 weeks, the second piece is installed, which is a cover for the rod. Finally, the third part, a porcelain crown, is placed on top of the cover. The porcelain crown is actually a device that looks and feels just like a natural tooth, so it is nearly impossible to tell that it is prosthetic.
– The benefits of dental implants. This form of cosmetic dental surgery is a permanent solution to tooth loss. In fact, dental implants can last a lifetime when they are taken care of properly. Additionally, dental implants are the only form of general family dentistry that provide a natural tooth-like experience, and these cosmetic dental procedures have an astounding 98% success rate. As a result, not only have dental implants become the most practical alternative to dentures, but they are also one of the best ways to replace missing teeth, as well.
When you suffer from tooth loss, it is important to obtain dental implants. This is because dental implants are permanently placed into your jawbone, which makes this a viable tooth replacement option. Fortunately, by visiting a general family dentistry office, you can experience the advantages of replacing your teeth with dental implants. Read more.